IT Specialist Network Security

Price: $279.99

Get hands-on experience in Network Security with the IT Specialist Network Security comprehensive course and lab. The lab provides hands-on learning of Network Security, beginning up with the basics to gain insights into Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, security layers, and protecting the server and clients. This course provides candidates with foundational security knowledge and skills, including an understanding of core security principles operating system security, network, and device security, and secure computing practices. The course and lab provide knowledge in a broad range of IT topics, including software development, database administration, networking and security, mobility and device management, and coding.

Test Prep

40+ Pre Assessment Questions| 2+ Full Length Tests| 40+ Post Assessment Questions| 80+ Practice Test Questions|


38+ LiveLab| 36+ Video tutorials| 51+ Minutes| 113+ Videos| 03:51+ Hours|

Get hands-on experience in Network Security with the IT Specialist Network Security comprehensive course and lab. The lab provides hands-on learning of Network Security, beginning up with the basics to gain insights into Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, security layers, and protecting the server and clients. This course provides candidates with foundational security knowledge and skills, including an understanding of core security principles operating system security, network, and device security, and secure computing practices. The course and lab provide knowledge in a broad range of IT topics, including software development, database administration, networking and security, mobility and device management, and coding.


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