Key Applications (IC3 GS5 Exam 2)

Price: $279.99

Gain hands-on experience to pass the IC3 certification exam with the Key Applications (IC3 GS5 Exam 2) course and lab. The lab provides a hands-on learning experience in a safe and online environment. This IC3 exam guide completely covers IC3 GS5 Key Applications exam objectives and includes topics such as exploring common application features in Microsoft Access, using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, collaborating with others when working in Microsoft Office, and so on.

Test Prep

40+ Pre Assessment Questions| 2+ Full Length Tests| 40+ Post Assessment Questions| 80+ Practice Test Questions|


Multiple choice, performance-based, and knowledge-based|

Gain hands-on experience to pass the IC3 certification exam with the Key Applications (IC3 GS5 Exam 2) course and lab. The lab provides a hands-on learning experience in a safe and online environment. This IC3 exam guide completely covers IC3 GS5 Key Applications exam objectives and includes topics such as exploring common application features in Microsoft Access, using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, collaborating with others when working in Microsoft Office, and so on.


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