Microsoft 365: Identity and Services (MS-100)

Price: $159.99

Start your prep for the Microsoft MS-100 exam with the Microsoft 365 Identity and Services course. The MS-100 study guide comprehensively covers certification exam objectives by teaching candidates how to design and implement Microsoft 365 services; manage user identity and roles; manage access and authentication, and plan Office 365 workloads and applications. The Microsoft 365 certification training has the best learning resources like lessons, TestPrep to help students master the exam topics efficiently.

Test Prep

50+ Pre Assessment Questions| 2+ Full Length Tests | 50+ Post Assessment Questions| 100+ Practice Test Questions|


49+ Videos| 03:22+ Hours| Active screen, best answer, Build list, case studies, drag and drop, hot area, multiple choice, repeated answer choices, short answer, mark review, and review screen.|

Start your prep for the Microsoft MS-100 exam with the Microsoft 365 Identity and Services course. The MS-100 study guide comprehensively covers certification exam objectives by teaching candidates how to design and implement Microsoft 365 services; manage user identity and roles; manage access and authentication, and plan Office 365 workloads and applications. The Microsoft 365 certification training has the best learning resources like lessons, TestPrep to help students master the exam topics efficiently.


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