Penetration Testing Fundamentals

Price: $279.99

Know everything about IT penetration testing with the Penetration Testing Fundamentals course and lab. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. The course and lab cover all the concepts, terminology, and challenges in Metasploit, provide skills required to write or customize sophisticated Metasploit exploits, general hacking techniques and knowledge, and some additional penetration testing concepts.

Test Prep

100+ Pre Assessment Questions| 100+ Post Assessment Questions|


57+ LiveLab| 00+ Minutes| 109+ Videos| 109+ Videos|

Know everything about IT penetration testing with the Penetration Testing Fundamentals course and lab. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. The course and lab cover all the concepts, terminology, and challenges in Metasploit, provide skills required to write or customize sophisticated Metasploit exploits, general hacking techniques and knowledge, and some additional penetration testing concepts.


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