Power BI Data Analyst

Price: $279.99

Learn Power BI and become a Microsoft-certified Power BI Data Analyst with uCertify’s course Power BI Data Analyst.

Test Prep

40+ Pre Assessment Questions| 1+ Full Length Tests| 40+ Post Assessment Questions| 40+ Practice Test Questions|


25+ LiveLab| 25+ Video tutorials| 02:02+ Hours multiple-choice, true/false, drag and drop, list builds, and case studies|

Learn Power BI and become a Microsoft-certified Power BI Data Analyst with uCertify’s course Power BI Data Analyst. The course has well descriptive interactive lessons containing knowledge checks, quizzes, flashcards, and glossary terms to get a detailed understanding of preparing, modeling, visualizing, and analyzing the data in Power BI. The live labs present in the course will give you a hands-on experience of data analysis in Power BI.


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