SQL Querying: Advanced

Price: $279.99

This course is geared towards individuals with a solid foundation in basic SQL queries (SELECT, WHERE, JOIN etc.) and are ready to explore more complex functionalities.

Test Prep

62+ Pre Assessment Questions| 4+ Full Length Tests| 65+ Post Assessment Questions| 120+ Practice Test Questions|


42+ LiveLab| 42+ Video tutorials| 01:15+ Hours 5+ Videos| 15+ Minutes|

This course is geared towards individuals with a solid foundation in basic SQL queries (SELECT, WHERE, JOIN etc.) and are ready to explore more complex functionalities. Advanced JOIN Techniques: Beyond basic inner joins, you’ll explore advanced join types like left joins, right joins, full outer joins, and self-joins to establish complex relationships between tables and retrieve comprehensive data sets.Subqueries: Learn how to write nested queries (subqueries) to solve complex data retrieval problems. Subqueries can be used to filter data based on results from other queries. Window Functions: Explore window functions like RANK, ROW_NUMBER, and PERCENTILE_CONTILE to perform calculations and aggregations on data within result sets based on defined ordering or windowing. Advanced-Data Manipulation: The course might cover advanced techniques for data manipulation, such as working with Common Table Expressions (CTEs) for temporary named result sets, using MERGE statements for insert/update/delete operations in a single statement, and utilizing triggers for automated database actions.Performance Optimization: Learn strategies to optimize the performance of your SQL queries. This might involve understanding query execution plans, using indexes effectively, and writing efficient code to minimize processing time and resource usage. Database Security: Advanced courses might touch upon database security best practices, including user authentication and authorization, data encryption techniques, and secure coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities.


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