CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (CLO-002)

Price: $279.99

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ is an entry-level cloud certification offered by CompTIA. To get CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ certified, you need to succeed in the CLO-002 exam. The CompTIA Cloud Essentials CLO-002 exam validates a candidate’s knowledge and skills in cloud technologies and their business impact. Certified candidates will collect and analyze cloud products and services information that is essential while making operational cloud business decisions.

Test Prep

70+ Pre Assessment Questions| 2+ Full Length Tests | 75+ Post Assessment Questions| 150+ Practice Test Questions|


37+ LiveLab| 37+ Video tutorials| 01:03+ Hours Multiple Choice|

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ is an entry-level cloud certification offered by CompTIA. To get CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ certified, you need to succeed in the CLO-002 exam. The CompTIA Cloud Essentials CLO-002 exam validates a candidate’s knowledge and skills in cloud technologies and their business impact. Certified candidates will collect and analyze cloud products and services information that is essential while making operational cloud business decisions.


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