CompTIA Data+

Price: $279.99

uCertify’s CompTIA Data+ course and lab are designed to come in handy as a CompTIA Data+ study guide. uCertify’s CompTIA Data+ is a complete learning path for you by including all the subject areas on which the DA0-001 exam is based and it contains performance labs to give you a complete understanding of data analysis and business intelligence reporting roles. The course enhances the latest knowledge and skills of data professionals

Test Prep

50+ Pre Assessment Questions| 2+ Full Length Tests| 90+ Post Assessment Questions| 180+ Practice Test Questions|


25+ LiveLab| 8+ Video tutorials| 10+ Minutes The exam contains 90 questions.|

uCertify’s CompTIA Data+ course and lab are designed to come in handy as a CompTIA Data+ study guide. uCertify’s CompTIA Data+ is a complete learning path for you by including all the subject areas on which the DA0-001 exam is based and it contains performance labs to give you a complete understanding of data analysis and business intelligence reporting roles. The course enhances the latest knowledge and skills of data professionals


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