CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601)

Price: $279.99

Gain hands-on experience to pass the CompTIA Security+ certification exam with the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) course and lab. Interactive chapters and hands-on labs comprehensively cover the SY0-601 exam objectives and provide knowledge in areas such as security concepts, operating systems, application systems, and many more. The CompTIA Security+ study guide will help you get a full understanding of the challenges you’ll face as a security professional.

Test Prep

104+ Pre Assessment Questions| 2+ Full Length Tests | 104+ Post Assessment Questions| 208+ Practice Test Questions|


64+ LiveLab | 65+ Video tutorials| 02:30+ Hours 90 minutes|

Gain hands-on experience to pass the CompTIA Security+ certification exam with the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) course and lab. Interactive chapters and hands-on labs comprehensively cover the SY0-601 exam objectives and provide knowledge in areas such as security concepts, operating systems, application systems, and many more. The CompTIA Security+ study guide will help you get a full understanding of the challenges you’ll face as a security professional.


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